Kyoto Ōhara Gyozan Hōsen-in Bankan-en Hōraku-en

The calligraphy room was reconstructed in 1502, and now the temple now is famous for its gakubuti -garden (gardens you are able to view from the inside of rooms). There is an estimated 500-year-old gōyō-matsu (a type of pine tree), which has been designated as a natural treasure by Kyoto city. The shape of the tree resembles Mt. Ōmi-Fuji

The gakubuti -garden named bankan-en , can be translated to mean the garden you don't want to leave.

In the turu-kame (a crane and a turtle) garden, the pond is designed in the shape of a crane, and Mt. Tukizi is shaped like a turtle. Moreover, the old tree of sanchaka is designed to resemble Mt. Hōrai (the mythical mountain of the immortals).

Mr. Kōzen Hujii, who is the monk in Hōsen-in, and manages the total production of the temple's appearance, appointed Enya as the official garden designer.